Guest Blog: Alun McCarthy – Worship Musician

Power Music on my MusicOne 12 Green

Back in 2015 (Wow! that’s nine years ago!) we did a Featured Musician blog on Alun McCarthy.

Alun was an early adopter of Power Music and has been using it ever since! Recently he purchased one of our MusicOne 12 Green systems – based on a refurbished HP Windows tablet. He suggested he could do a follow-up blog about his experience with the MusicOne.

Here it is…


When things go wrong!

Power Music Help Centre to the rescue.

Recently we received this email:

Hi there.
Just wanted to send you a huge Thankyou. We had a database issue this morning but it was so easy to find the backups and fix it thanks to the instructions that were incredibly easy to find and follow.
Great product and fantastically well organised help centre!
Huge thanks

The email was from Ewan who is the worship leader at Chipping Sodbury Baptist Church. Ewan has been a Power Music users since 2011 – over 12 years! We first met at Mission Worship where we were exhibiting in the amazing Floral Hall in Eastbourne.

I thanked him for the comment and he replied with the full story of what went wrong that Sunday morning.

So here Ewan’s full story…


Dave and Pat Bilbrough – Power Music and MusicOne Users

Featured Musicians

From time to time we like to do an article that focuses on a user of Power Music and MusicOne digitals music stands.

Dave Bilbrough is a very well known Christian song writer, author and worship leader. Dave and his wife Pat use Power Music and a MusicOne 16 when leading worship.

One of Dave’s claims to fame is that he lead worship in the 1970s at the Royal Albert Hall, London when he was 19!

Now, with over four decades in full-time Christian ministry and numerous albums later, he is recognised as one of Britain’s foremost worship leaders and songwriters.


The New MusicOne 12-Pro

Including guest contribution from Don Dickson

Going Green

Here at Power Music we like to do our bit to help save the planet. The new MusicOne 12-Pro uses a refurbished Microsoft Surface Pro 5. These have powerful 7th Gen i5 processors, 8GB RAM and a 128 or 256GB SSD. With the disposal of waste computer devices becoming a major problem we are using these Microsoft officially refurbished devices in an attempt to help reduce waste. They have many years of life left in them and are easily powerful enough to run Power Music Professional and store 10s of thousands of pages of music.

One of our happy customers for the MusicOne 12-Pro is Don Dickson – a long time user of Power Music. Don send us an email about his experience with the MusicOne 12-Pro and he is happy to share it with you.

Read Don’s comments…


Kerne Clemence “Need a Pianist?”

Update to Blog July 2022:

Recently Kerne sent us this email – he wants to share his new setup with you…

“Sometimes, we all arrive at a time when we want to put “pen to paper” to express something special.
I have just got home from accompanying a couple of ABRSM Singing Exam candidates. As another academic year draws to a close, I just felt I wanted to repeat my fulsome gratitude to you for the wonderful Power Music Professional software which continues to serve my needs so brilliantly.
Page-turning, lighting, play-lists, portability, reliability, flexibility re annotations, legibility, access – the list goes on.  All problems brilliantly addressed and dispelled.
I have 4133.85Mb of music stored.  I have deleted nothing since November 2013.
I follow the MPA Code of Practice by insisting that students have the original, hard paper purchased copy in the room at exams, concerts, etc.
The most important issue for me is RELIABILITY.   I used to worry, but now never give it a second thought.   A top of the range Lenovo ThinkPad was money well spent.   My memory stick back-ups are all spread around my house to give me the best chance of retrieving at least one should the worst happen whilst I am away.
Your concept, implementation and service to musicians is of incalculable value.”

Meet Kerne Clemence…

This is Kerne’s story about his own career and about how he uses Power Music.


Featured Musician – Jim McLaren

Accordion and piano player Jim tells us about Power Music and MusicOne

Jim has been a long time user of Power Music. He runs a large farm in Fife and has a fascinating blog about farming

We asked Jim to tell us about how he uses Power Music and MusicOne digital music stands – so grab your self a cup or glass of something and have a read of what Jim told us…

Firstly, as a musician I play the accordion and the piano. The accordion is mostly Scottish Traditional Music and second accordion to accompany others – I play occasionally in a dance band. I also play the accordion at my local church, either helping out the organist, or occasionally doing all the music myself if he is not available.
Piano playing is mostly classical piano, and as I am working towards my Grade 8 exam I have lessons every week. I also do a bit of vamping for a small accordion workshop group that I play for.


Featured Musician – Malcolm Corden

Clarinet and Tenor Sax Player

This Featured Musician mixes with A-list celebs at the Grammy and Tony awards ceremonies and has been a guest on The Late Late Show many times. We have known Mal for many years and we meet up on our stand at Christian conferences like Mission Worship. Mal has been a long-time Power Music user.

We asked Mal for his thoughts about Power Music….

I blame my wife Margaret for the fact that I am now a firm devotee of Cambron Software and the application of Power Music, please allow me to explain.


One Organist’s DIY Page Turning Solution – Gavin Bateman

About Gavin

Back in September 2018 Gavin contacted us about wanting a suitable page turner pedal for use at the organ. Unfortunately, there was really nothing available off-the-shelf. He was willing to do a bit of soldering and carpentry so I suggested the AirTurn BT200 was a suitable “donor” pedal for his project. Gavin has been busy and this post, written by him, explains the project. Gavin started working life as a BBC Sound Engineer then after 20yrs changed tack to be a music teacher. Now retired early. He has played the organ since he was 11 and got his ABRSM performance diploma in 2013.

25 Sept 2019 – An update to this post has been added at the end…
15th November – Update and new photos – The Mk III pedal added at end…

This is his story…


Multi-instrumentalist Ralph Hirs on Power Music

One of the things I love about working at Power Music is talking to musicians from all over the world.

Ralph lives in Switzerland and Germany and has been a Power Music user for many years.  He makes use of the Parts feature of Power Music Professional which is one of the lesser known features. Parts lets you store as one song, different instrument scores of a piece of music (eg guitar, bass, drums, keys)  or versions of the music in different keys.

I asked Ralph to write a short piece about his use of Power Music, so here is what Ralph says…