Kerne Clemence “Need a Pianist?”
Update to Blog July 2022:
Recently Kerne sent us this email – he wants to share his new setup with you…

“Sometimes, we all arrive at a time when we want to put “pen to paper” to express something special.
I have just got home from accompanying a couple of ABRSM Singing Exam candidates. As another academic year draws to a close, I just felt I wanted to repeat my fulsome gratitude to you for the wonderful Power Music Professional software which continues to serve my needs so brilliantly.
Page-turning, lighting, play-lists, portability, reliability, flexibility re annotations, legibility, access – the list goes on. All problems brilliantly addressed and dispelled.
I have 4133.85Mb of music stored. I have deleted nothing since November 2013.
I follow the MPA Code of Practice by insisting that students have the original, hard paper purchased copy in the room at exams, concerts, etc.
The most important issue for me is RELIABILITY. I used to worry, but now never give it a second thought. A top of the range Lenovo ThinkPad was money well spent. My memory stick back-ups are all spread around my house to give me the best chance of retrieving at least one should the worst happen whilst I am away.
Your concept, implementation and service to musicians is of incalculable value.”
Meet Kerne Clemence…
This is Kerne’s story about his own career and about how he uses Power Music.
Kerne’s story (Original Blog 2015)
In July 2003, after an unbroken 38 years in the classroom, I retired from the post of Curriculum Co-ordinator (Performing Arts) and Director of Music at a large secondary school in North Kent.
Piano playing and, specifically, accompanying were necessary in my work (as MD for school productions, pianist at concerts and examinations, etc.) but was not regular enough for me to find reward at the musical level for which I yearned. I decided to set up “Need a Pianist ? ” to satisfy this longing and to provide some financial benefits throughout a hopefully long retirement.
So, in August 2003, I had business cards and invoice books printed and began a relationship with HMRC, issues of Self-Assessment and Tax Returns, all of which were new to me after PAYE!
How I came to Power Music
Before Power Music After some time, I was engaged as accompanist by a local community adult choir and so began my collection of scores. Now, unlike accompaniments for solo voices and instruments, the scores for SATB choirs have more staves per line of music, often six, which results in the need for frequent page turning.
At the rehearsal for this choir on Monday 30th September 2013, I was aghast to find myself staring at SEVENTEEN scores spread out on the floor by my piano, ready to instantly pounce upon at the conductor’s behest! This was for just ONE impending concert!
THERE MUST BE A BETTER WAY, I thought, and I drove home determined to Google digital music display systems the next day. I stumbled across Power Music by Cambron Software and had a long chat with Gordon THE VERY NEXT DAY! On Monday 14th October 2013, my MusicOne package arrived and I was so excited at the thought of solving my genuine problems with music score management. Any problems have been born out of my lack of knowledge in setting up and using the package. THESE ARE ADDRESSED BY BRILLIANT TECHNICAL SUPPORT by a real human being over the phone FREE, except for the cost of the call.
How I use it today
Using Power Music I rarely use printed paper music. I file all my original, purchased scores after they have been scanned into Power Music and now have access to any one of over 500 pieces within 15 seconds.
I have trained my brain to turn pages by depressing the foot pedal on BEAT 1 of the last bar of each page AND all repeats have been re-copied so that all page turns are FORWARD. This eliminates worrying about when to turn and in what direction, whilst still paying attention to the conductor!
A real bonus has been a development in my business offerings as a result of having this vast music library on tap: I play Background Music for BBQs, Weddings, Luncheons, Parties etc. AND DISTRIBUTE REQUEST SLIPS which are filled in by guests selecting repertoire from my lists placed strategically around. They love this personalisation.
THIS WOULD BE UNMANAGEABLE if I had all my music on paper in albums in box files!
So, there you go. A revolution for my business and my sanity.
As I get older I am finding no need for glasses, as yet, but still find myself slightly visually challenged in the reading of some scanned in scores. NO PROBLEM. I have invested in a 24″ monitor and now read scores, two A4 pages per screen. This displays the music LARGER than the original size.
If that’s not enough for you when I reach 98, then all I do is turn the monitor from Landscape to Portrait orientation and use ONE page per screen. It just doubles the number of page turns you need to do but at least you can keep active in the wonderful world of accompanying, which is SO rewarding.
Kerne Clemence – “Need a Pianist?”
Nice to read this Kerne …… A long time since “The Fantastics” at NTC.
Thanks for the many lifts to Clifton in your Beetle.
Keep Well.
Hello Kern, or should I say “Mr Clemence”. You were our music teacher in 1960’s at Lutterell Cty Sec School, West Bridgford, Notts. Not being very academic, your music lessons were my favourite, particularly as I enjoyed singing in the choir, playing recorder in the orchestra and took piano lessons. Although I didn’t go into music as a career, I’m pleased to say that both my sons are very musical, my younger one being an accomplished (Grammy nominated) Sound Engineer for a world renowned band. I am very grateful to you for your patience, enthusiasm and kindness at school which, during that period, did not encourage us girls to find a career, but when I had a family of my own, I found that I had the confidence to encourage them to take every opportunity to enjoy playing their instruments wherever their schools took them, on several global school trips from East Sussex. So much has changed in that 50+ years, I’m pleased to say. My very best wishes to you. Hilary Brown (nee Hadida)
Hello Mr Clemence.
You were my music teacher when I was at secondary school in the late 1970s. I have very fond memories of those lessons. A good teacher has such an impact on a student; and you never really forget. ‘Never, b sharp, never b flat, always b natural.’
Thank you !