What is Power Music Box?

Power Music Box Banner3Power Music Box is cloud storage which is used for integrating all editions of Power Music.

It is unique in that it does not simply store files, like DropBox and others, but instead stores the content and metadata (authors, categories, titles, etc) of each ‘song’ in Power Music.

We get many questions about the Box, so this article will put together the information from the Power Music Box website to give a comprehensive explanation of what the Box is and how to use it.

What is Power Music Box?

Power Music Box is a cloud-based music storage system for Power Music. You can use Power Music Box to store and transfer sheet music, chord sheets, playlists, tags and index information between different computers and devices running Power Music.

Power Music Box is also used to manage music purchased from the Power Music Store. Purchased songs are instantly available in your Power Music Box (My Box) to download to Power Music on your PC, Mac, iPad or iPhone. The store is covered in detail in this article: What is Power Music Store?

Every Power Music Box user gets unlimited free storage for purchased songs, and there are different subscription plans available to store your own uploaded music.

Important: You must adhere to the relevant copyright rules for any music you share between devices. Your account login details should be kept private. If you are part of an organisation such as a church worship group you should have a CCL and/or MRL and you must report on digital reproduction of music. See ccli.com for more details.

How to use Power Music Box

To use Power Music Box, you need a copy of Power Music. There are free versions of Power Music available, see powermusicsoftware.com.

There are two ways of using Power Music Box:

1. Store unlimited songs purchased from Power Music Store:

Create a free Power Music Box account, then visit the Power Music Store and purchase music. Music purchased from the store is immediately available in your personal Power Music Box account. Then from within the Power Music software download the music into your device. Your music is ready to be displayed for performance.

2. Storing your own music:

With a Power Music Box account, you are given storage space to store your own sheet music and chord sheets. This gives you your own private cloud space to store songs you have created using Power Music.

If you need more space to store your own songs then you can upgrade to a Starter, Standard or Power User account.

Chord sheets and sheet music can be created using Power Music from a scanner or PDF file, and then uploaded to your Power Music Box account – complete with annotations, performance notes, indexing, categories, authors, copyright holders, tempo and melody information. You can then download the music to another PC, laptop, Windows tablet, Mac, iPad, iPhone or iPod touch running any edition of Power Music.

Chord sheets can also be typed or pasted from text. Power Music Professional and the Power Music App can import from ChordPro or OnSong format. (Update 2019: Power Music App integrates directly with WorshipReady.com to download chord charts directly to the app.)

As well as music and lyrics you can transfer playlists to and from My Box. From within Power Music, create your playlist, then upload it to My Box, then download it to your other devices. Note that the songs in the playlist need to exist on each device – the playlist only contains a reference to the song, not the song itself, so make sure you have transferred the songs first.

Do I need an internet connection to use Power Music Box?

Power Music Box is on-line, cloud storage for your music and playlists. When performing using Power Music, your music is stored and displayed on the local device – your PC, Mac or iOS device. An internet connection is only required when you transfer music between My Box and your devices. Once you’ve downloaded your music, you don’t need an internet connection to view it.

The biggest fear most people have when using an on-line system is “What if my Internet connection goes down when I am performing?” With Power Music this is not a worry. So… no Internet drop-out fears.

4 thoughts on “What is Power Music Box?

  1. I have been looking for a monitor to display my scanned sheet music for 4 days! PLEASE< PLEASE give me a hint as to what to search for. Sheet music display? Scanned music monitor? Where to look? ANY recommendations would be sooooo appreciated!

  2. My PMP screen fell and broke. The PC still works but lost the touch screen so I have no way to turn pages or select songs, i.e. no mouse, no touch, and no way for this old computer get on-line (wifi radio also failed). I need to replace my device. I have an old iPad. But the old device cannot use Box – no internet. I know that a backup will transfer the songs to a new PC but how do I xfer to an iOS device? Also, it appears that my PMP libraries (I have 5 of them – different bands) are not supported in the Mac version. So do I have to stick with Windows?

    1. Hi Brady
      I have moved this comment into our Support Desk.
      Will contact you from there.

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